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We recognise that each child is unique and therefore work in partnership with parents/carers to ensure that their child’s individual needs are met. Our priority is that all children feel safe, secure and happy in our environment.  Together this promotes confidence and ensures they are eager to learn through play and exploration.

At Bream Early Learners we follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum. This provides children with activities across all areas of their development. In addition our Forest School sessions give children a wealth of opportunities to safely explore and investigate outdoors.


We aim to give the children the best possible start on their educational journey, to prepare them for school and beyond. This is so that they may reach their full potential in life. Ofsted continue to rate us “Good” and the latest report may be downloaded below:

EY136954 Bream Early Learners Inspection Report-1

“The friendly staff work well with one another… ..and are highly sensitive to children’s emotional needs. All children make good or better progress from their individual starting points, in most areas of learning."

The use of educational technology is now clearly known to have major, positive impact on the social, emotional, language, and cognitive development of children.  We therefore provide many opportunities for exploration using technology tools in a playful, supportive environment.

Each child is unique and we work in partnership with parents to ensure that their child’s individual needs are met. ICT undoubtedly brings learning to life and is helpful to all children of all ages and abilities, increasing their attention span. As a result this directly imparts their learning. Furthermore games promote the understanding of various areas of learning including Maths and English.

Acorn class

We take children from the age of 2 years old and they stay in Acorn class until the year before they start school.  There is a great deal of exploration and sensory play as the children love getting messy, using paint, sand, water, dough, gloop, moon sand.  The list is endless.  This exploratory play absolutely builds their confidence as there is no desired outcome, it is just fun. 

In Acorn class the focus is on the prime areas of the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum.  These prime areas are communication, social and also physical development.  We have a routine and boundaries, and these are supported by a visual timeline to help the children understand what is happening next.  In addition we use Makaton and visual prompts to support children with their communication.

Oak class

Oak class is our pre-school children.  Our focus in this room is to prepare them for the transition into school the following year.  We encourage their independence and develop their critical thinking, supporting them to make their own decisions and take safe risks.  Through  focussed small groups, we support children with their learning and P.E. to encourage independence in changing clothes and shoes.  We cover all areas of the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum, ensuring the children are prepared for school.